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- # The unregistered unace GNU makefile
- # if you don't have GNU make or bash, then you should proly
- # remove the ifeq <-> endif statments, and configure CFLAGS yourself
- #
- # orig - chad hurwitz 3-11-98 churritz@cts.com
- #
- # -DCASEINSENSE is for people with case insensitive filesystems
- #
- OBJ = globals.o uac_comm.o uac_crc.o uac_crt.o uac_dcpr.o uac_sys.o unace.o
- SRC = globals.c uac_comm.c uac_crc.c uac_crt.c uac_dcpr.c uac_sys.c unace.c
- #CFLAGS = -dNOSTRICMP #for UNIX compilers not supporting stricmp()
- #CFLAGS = -dHI_LO_BYTE_ORDER #select correct byte order for your machine!!
- #CFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -s #-DNDEBUG
- #CFLAGS = -g -Wall -DMDEBUG
- #CFLAGS = -O3 -fno-strength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer # These are for Linux
- CHALLOC = challoc.o
- CHNEW = chnew.o challoc.o
- CC = gcc
- ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Linux)
- else
- ifeq ($(OSTYPE), DOS)
- EXEEXT = .exe
- else
- endif
- endif
- # not all systems require the math library
- #LIBS = -lm
- unace$(EXEEXT): $(OBJ) $(CHALLOC)
- gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
- clean:
- rm -f *.o a.out core unace unace.exe
- dep:
- chmod a+rx ./gccmaked
- ./gccmaked -- $(CFLAGS) -- *.c*
- rm -f ?akefile.bak
- globals.o: globals.c os.h acestruc.h declare.h portable.h unace.h
- uac_comm.o: uac_comm.c globals.h acestruc.h declare.h portable.h os.h \
- unace.h uac_dcpr.h uac_comm.h
- uac_crc.o: uac_crc.c uac_crc.h declare.h
- uac_crt.o: uac_crt.c os.h globals.h acestruc.h declare.h portable.h \
- unace.h uac_crt.h uac_sys.h
- uac_dcpr.o: uac_dcpr.c os.h globals.h acestruc.h declare.h portable.h \
- unace.h uac_comm.h uac_crc.h uac_dcpr.h uac_sys.h
- uac_sys.o: uac_sys.c os.h globals.h acestruc.h declare.h portable.h \
- unace.h uac_sys.h
- unace.o: unace.c os.h globals.h acestruc.h declare.h portable.h \
- unace.h uac_comm.h uac_crc.h uac_crt.h uac_dcpr.h uac_sys.h